Vibroacoustic Therapy
Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT)
Book an Appointment with Marjorie Brook, LMT on Long Island
Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) is a safe, drug-free, non-invasive approach to reducing pain and anxiety and improving quality of life. Whether you are suffering from work overload or are dealing with a serious medical condition, vibroacoustic therapy is a powerful modality that will help you relax and allow healing to take place.
Safety Protocols
While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: my commitment to your safety and health. Welcoming, safeguarding, and taking care of others is at the very heart of what I do and who I am. Marjorie Brook offers indoor and outdoor appointments. Marjorie takes your health seriously and has a list of safety protocols that are in place to keep you healthy.

How Does it Work?
Vibroacoustic therapy is based on the principle that life is vibration. Matter, including the human body, vibrates all the time, at various frequencies. Sound and music also vary in frequency. Therefore, when the various frequencies of sound and/or music are converted to vibration which is introduced to the human body, it can be utilized to bring the body into a state of healthy resonance.
Vibroacoustic Therapy uses low frequencies and therapeutic music delivered through special speakers called transducers. As a person’s body has contact with the embedded speakers, the music is sent from the source into the transducers and then is felt by the body as vibration and heard by the ears as sound. The vibro-tactile input stimulates nerve bundles along the spine, up into the brainstem and then through the limbic system. In addition, the sound stimulates the medulla in the brain stem and activates the auditory nerve that connects with all the muscles of the body. These reactions signal the body to relax and flood the brain with mood-lifting chemicals. In addition, the low frequencies also cause a relaxation of the tissues and a dilation of blood vessels and an opening of the lymphatic pathways which in turn increases the body’s ability to heal.
What Can Vibroacoustic Therapy Help With
40 years of research on vibroacoustic therapy has shown positive results in treating many problems including:
- Increasing blood circulation
- Reducing blood pressure & stimulate lymphatic flow
- Reducing stress
- Minimizing pain
- Promoting serenity
- Deep tissue massage
- Sensory awareness
- Reduce nausea, fatigue, and depression, reduce headache, anxiety
- Facilitate the Relaxation Response
- Calm and soothe restless behavior
- Relax muscular hyper-tauticity
- Improve range of motion
Benefits of Vibroacoustic Therapy
As you can see, there are a multitude of benefits that vibroacoustic therapy can help with. Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) has immediate effects as well as some that can appear hours or even days after your therapy session. This is a drug-free, noninvasive way to promote pain and anxiety relief. By doing this you can create a positive environment in which to heal and increase your quality of life.
It’s great for people who want to mitigate the side effects of cancer treatments, like neuropathy and nausea. Anybody with stress, PTSD, Parkinson’s, MS, Fibromyalgia, arthritis pain, pain management, pain anywhere in the body from head to toe, and sleep issues.
Whether it is healing a wound or breathing, the living body continuously uses energy at the cellular level. The body is always moving, and the microvibrations produced from the cells essentially retrieve energy and are involved in immunologic reactions.
These biological occurrences produce rapid vibration in the body that will gradually decrease in speed after injury, intense physical stress, long-term fatigue, and time. The aim of vibroacoustic therapy is to restore the cellular energy lost over time, thus improving the overall health of the patient.
Vibroacoustic sound therapy has proven to have significant results benefiting human health both physiologically and mentally. The low vibrations increase cellular movement, thus increasing energy and cellular regeneration in the body. Consequently, inflammation and pain are reduced because of this treatment. With the addition of music, patients are able to have an increase in relaxation and decrease in psychological disturbances such as depression, anxiety, and nausea.
What Can Be Treated With VAT?
Vibroacoustic Therapy is an amazing treatment for many chronic conditions as well as injuries. Here are just a few of the many ways this modality can help:
- Neck, shoulder and back pains & backache
- Stomach pains/colic
- Symptoms of autoimmune diseases like MS
- Constipation, irregular bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Arthritis including RA
- Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s
- Stroke
- Impaired blood circulation
- Insomnia
- Sport injuries
- Stress
- Menstrual pains
- Pre-menstrual tension (PMT)
- Headache, Migraine
- Fibromyalgia/Fibrositis
- Kidney stones
- Post-operative conditions including knee and hip replacements
- Autism
- Rett Syndrome
- And many more..
In a day when people are seeking healthy alternatives for combating stress, pain, and illness, we should reconsider the Ancient wisdom of vibro-tactile input. Modern technology now makes it possible for this healing modality to be put into practice and available to a wider population.
- Pacemakers- because there are magnets in the transducers
- Recent surgery and/or an open wound -Vibroacoustics speeds up circulation and blood flow which aids in healing, but if you have an open sore you want it to clot).
- Acute inflammatory conditions
- Hypotension
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (or DVT)
- Seizure disorders
- Caution with pregnancy
Specific frequencies are chosen to impact the area of concern for each client. For chronic conditions, the best long-term therapeutic benefits are often found in multiple sessions (up to 10 in some cases).
Each session is 30 minutes.
Single Session: $55
3 Sessions: $145
5 Sessions: $210
10 Sessions: $410
Request an Appointment
Wantagh, NY 11793
By Appointment Only
Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
- Alford, A. Pyramid of Secrets. Eridu Books, UK, 2003.
- Brewer, C. and Coope, V. Effectiveness of Vibroacoustic Music for Pain and Symptom Management in Outpatient Chemotherapy Treatment. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, 2000.
- Butler, C. and Butler , C.J. (1997) Physioacoustic Therapy with Cardiac surgery patients. In Wigram, T. and Dileo, C. Music Vibration and Health. New Jersey; Jeffrey Books.
- Estes, D. Vibrational Science – Articles by Don Estes.
- Harner, M. The Way of the Shaman, Harper. 1990.
- InnerSoulutions. Developer of the Tranquility Liquid Sound Table™.
- Lundeberg, T. Long-term results of vibratory stimulation as a relieving measure for chronic pain. Pain, 1984a; 20, 13-23.
- National Institute of Health. Symptom Change from Single VibroAcoustic Session. 1999 (this study continued beyond the publication of the original study).
- Patrick, G. The effects of vibroacoustic music on symptom reduction: inducing the relaxation response through good vibrations. IEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology. March/April, 1999; 97-100.
- Reid, J. Stuart. Rediscovering the art and science of sound healing. Caduceus. Summer 2007.
- Skille, O. Manual of Vibroacoustics. Norway: ISVA Publications. 1991.
- Spintge, R. Music and Surgery and Pain Therapy. Unpublished paper. 1993.
- Standley, J. Music as a therapeutic intervention in medical and dental treatment: research and clinical applications. The Art and Science of Music Therapy: A Handbook. London: Harwood Academic. 1995.
- Wigram, T. The Effect of VA Therapy on Multiply Handicapped Adults with High Muscle Tone and Spasticity. Music Vibration and Health. New Jersey: Jeffery Books. 1997(a).
- Williams, S. Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy in Pain Management. Practical Pain Management. March, 2013.
Published Research
- Vibroacoustic Therapy – PDF
- Article on Vibroacoustic Therapy
- Tony Wigram’s VAT Thesis
- Effects of Vibroacoustic Music on Challenging Behaviors in Individuals With Autism and Developmental Disabilities
- VAHT – Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy® Training Course
- Sarajane Williams Website
- The Effects of Vibroacoustic Music on Symptom Reduction Inducing the Relaxation Response
- Parkinson’s Research Article
- Vibroacoustic Therapy in Diminishing Body Dissatisfaction
- Composing for the Sense of Touch
- Dementia and Vibroacoustics
- Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy: Case Studies With Children With Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties and the Elderly in Long-Term Residential Care
- Feel-In-Touch!: Imagination Through Vibration
- The Effects of Sound Wave Vibration Therapy on Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
- Fetal Vibroacoustic Stimulation for Facilitation of Tests of Fetal Wellbeing
- A New Treatment Under Study by NASA-Funded Doctors Could Reverse Bone Loss Experienced by Astronauts in Space
- Imperceptible Vibrations Slow Weight Gain and Bone Loss
- Indications in Music Therapy: Evidence From Assessment That Can Identify the Expectations of Music Therapy as a Treatment for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Meeting the Challenge of Evidence Based Practice
- Vibroacoustic Therapy. Reports. Olav Skille
- Respiratory and Relaxation.Vat.Lung Asso.Ontario
- Rett Syndrome and VAT
- The Power of Sound (Excerpts) Joshua Leeds. Published by Healing Arts Press. (C) 2001
- Study on Release Sleep Disturbance With Vibroacoustic Therapy
- Research in Estonia
- Science of Sound
- Vibro-Acoustic Tissue Mammography