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Scar Tissue Release Therapy on Long Island

Scar Tissue Release & Massage Therapy

Marjorie Brook, LMT is Creator of the S.T.R.A.I.T Method™

What many of my patients don’t realize is the physiological impact that scars can have on their bodies — whether it’s a minor scar earned by falling off a tricycle at age four, a high-school football injury, or a C-section scar sustained during the birth of a child.

Marjorie has treated many patients over the years whose problems could be traced back to a scar they had forgotten they even had. While not every scar presents a problem, many do.

Scar Tissue Release Therapy Testimonial

Scar Tissue Problems

If your body doesn’t break down scar tissue completely, it will often spread — triggering your body to compensate. Any kink, pull or restriction in one area can affect everything else. If your movements are restricted, your muscles will be forced to work harder. If your nerves are trapped, your circulation can be restricted — and so on. The reason for this is because you’re essentially held together by one huge single sheet of connective tissue or fascia. This fascia wraps around your entire body like an intricate spider web and influences the way you function — from your muscles and your bones to your organs, nerves, veins, and arteries.

Benefits of Scar-Tissue Release Therapy

There are multiple reasons to undergo scar tissue release therapy:

  • Lessens the appearance of scars
  • Helps to prevent and reduce adhesions forming after injury or surgery
  • Restore nerve function including numbness, pain and sensitivity
  • Reduce pain and restriction (including cording and dragging)
  • Helps to relieve stress on the body from fascial tension
  • Improves flexibility
  • Reduces muscle spasms
  • Promotes balance in the body
  • Helps maintain good posture
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Reduces the risk of muscle tears and strains
  • Improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients through the body
  • Helps regain and maintain a full range of joint movement
  • Stimulates lymph circulation
  • Reduces the possibility of long-term problems due to fascial adhesions

Marjorie believes that Scar Tissue Therapy should play a major supportive and therapeutic role to anyone living with the physical, emotional and mental effects of scar tissue and adhesion. And she’s all too happy to help.

Why is Scar Tissue Release Therapy Important for Scar Tissue?

Historically scar tissue has been ignored or been viewed as having no consequence by the medical world because the extent of physiological effects scars can have on the body have never really been acknowleged. Scar tissue has the potential to spread in any direction including internally throughout the body. It can also restrict movement or function anywhere in the body from a joint to an organ.

The truth of the matter is scars, and the restrictions they cause, can affect every system in the body. Recognizing them can be the key to unlocking mysterious pain and other tissues that have been interfering with the body’s ability to function and balance.

Marjorie is a massage therapist in Long Island who has specialized in scar tissue release for over 20 years and is the creator of the S.T.R.A.I.T™ Method, an innovative and ground-breaking therapy for scar tissue.

Why Choose Marjorie Brook, LMT

marjorie brook scar tissue release therapy on leg scar

Marjorie Brook, LMT, is a globally recognized therapist, educator, and creator of the S.T.R.A.I.T. Method™, a groundbreaking approach to scar tissue release and fascial therapy. Her expertise, innovative techniques, and commitment to personalized care set her apart from conventional therapy providers. Here’s why clients from around the world choose Marjorie:

  • Proven Results: Many clients turn to Marjorie after traditional therapies—such as physical therapy, chiropractic care, and acupuncture—fail to deliver lasting relief.
  • Targeted, Long-Term Care: Rather than relying on frequent, temporary fixes, her approach focuses on efficient, targeted treatments that promote real, lasting healing.
  • Personalized Treatment: Marjorie designs individualized therapy plans based on each client’s unique condition, ensuring that care is tailored to specific needs and healing journeys.
  • Expertise & Reputation: With a solid track record and extensive experience in scar tissue release therapy, Marjorie has built a reputation for achieving meaningful, long-term improvements.
  • Value-Driven Approach: Her commitment to quality over quantity helps clients save both time and money, ultimately enhancing their overall quality of life.

With a deep understanding of scar tissue’s impact on movement, pain, and overall well-being, Marjorie provides solutions that help clients regain control of their bodies and lives.

Scar Tissue Release Therapy Testimonial

c-section scar

The S.T.R.A.I.T Method™

The Scar Tissue Release and Integrated Therapies method —S.T.R.A.I.T™, for short — is a three-dimensional, fascial-release system that works to minimize scar-tissue development and the subsequent physiological restrictions. Adhered tissues are released and then realigned from their starting point, which is the visible scar, to their end point — where the line of frozen fascia stops. No matter how new or old your scar, Scar Tissue Release Therapy can help. Even decades-old scars can be released.

Debbie*, 35, came to Marjorie several years ago for help with what she thought was carpal tunnel syndrome. After noticing a large scar on her wrist, Marjorie asked her where it had come from. She explained that, when she was nine years old, she had put her hand through a window while chasing her brother. After working on her hand for two sessions, scars from the glass cuts were reduced visibly by about 80 percent. Debbie’s full range of motion was returned in her hand and wrist and the numbness she’d been experiencing disappeared.

*Client name changed to protect identity.

What is Scar Tissue?

Scar tissue has a different composition to the tissue that it has replaced, but scar tissue is still a growing, living tissue within the body which has a purpose. The production of this new tissue begins directly after injury with the instigation of wound healing. The tissue is laid down rapidly in order to close a wound, reduce the risk of infection and allow a person to function in order to survive. Injury changes the distribution of mechanical tension throughout the body. Scar formation is influenced by the degree and direction of tension within and around the site of injury. This tension is beneficial as it helps direct the repair process, however, excessive levels of tension can result in excessive levels of tissue production resulting in stiff, thick, and dysfunctional scars.

closeup of c-section scar

Factors Affecting How You Scar

Factors that affect how you heal and scar include the size and depth of your injury, how you were injured, the color or your skin, your age, wound infections, your nutrition, generalized body inflammation, your stress levels, the topical creams or ointments placed on your skin, pregnancy and your fitness/ or degree of exercise you do. Different parts of your body also heal differently with an increased risk of scar formation around your joints. In addition, the amount of physical tension placed on developing scars also affects how they form.

The body is composed of four main tissue types (epithelium, muscle, nervous and connective tissues) which all heal and scar slightly differently. Therefore these tissues all require and respond to different treatment techniques.

The connective tissues, which make up the fascia network hold all the other tissue types together and play an integral role in scar formation. Scarring also influences how the fascia network functions, influencing how your tissues glide and slide which then affects your posture and movement.

If you have a scar that you don’t like, restricts your movement, limits what you can do in life, is causing you emotional distress or is painful, treatment options are available.

Scar Tissue Release Therapy Fees & Packages


In-Home* Office**
30 Minutes N/A $90
60 Minutes N/A $175
90 Minutes N/A $260


Scar Tissue Release Therapy Packages – 60 Minutes
3 Scar Tissue Release Sessions $510
4 Scar Tissue Release Sessions $660
5 Scar Tissue Release Sessions $775
*fees may vary according to travel time

What Marjorie’s Clients Have Been Saying

Request an Appointment

Wantagh, NY 11793

By Appointment Only


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM

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