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Schedule Your New Patient Appointment Today!

Please note that we are not in-network with any insurance plans.

Experience an oasis from stress and the pressure of daily life. No waiting, no rushing – just peace and relaxation at our Wantagh, Long Island office. Leave behind the noise and chaos of the outside world and enter into a peaceful atmosphere where you are the center of attention. Marjorie offers indoor and outdoor appointments for many services.

Discover how your body can be healed with our holistic treatments that diminish pain, restore range of motion, and restore health.

Learn about:

Forms  |  Fees  |  Payment Options  |  Cancellation Policy  |  FAQs

“I believe that life is fleeting and everyone deserves the opportunity to live it to the fullest”

– Marjorie Brook, LMT


The office is located in Wantagh, New York on Long Island. Below are the fees for Marjorie’s services.

Scar-Tissue Release Therapy
In-Home* Office**
30 Minutes N/A $90
60 Minutes N/A $175
90 Minutes N/A $260
Scar Tissue Release Therapy Packages – 60 Minutes
3 Scar Tissue Release Sessions $510
4 Scar Tissue Release Sessions $660
5 Scar Tissue Release Sessions $775
Deep Oscillation Therapy
In-Home* Office**
30 Minutes N/A $90
60 Minutes N/A $175
Vagus Nerve Therapy
In-Home* Office**
30 Minutes N/A $90
60 Minutes N/A $175
90 Minutes N/A $260
Long-Haul COVID Treatment
In-Home* Office**
30 Minutes N/A $90
60 Minutes N/A $175
90 Minutes N/A $260
Integrated Therapeutic Stretching™ (I.T.S)
In-Home* Office**
60 Minutes N/A $175
90 Minutes N/A $260
w/ 30 Minute Massage N/A $260
w/ 60 Minute Massage N/A $350
I.T.S Packages – 60 Minutes
3 Stretching Sessions $510
4 Stretching Sessions $660
5 Stretching Sessions $775

*fees may vary according to travel time

Massage Treatments
In-Home* Office**
30 Minutes N/A $90
60 Minutes N/A $175
90 Minutes N/A $260


Massage Packages – 60 Minutes
3 Massage Sessions $510
4 Massage Sessions $660
5 Massage Sessions $775

*fees may vary according to travel time

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT)
Wantagh Office Only – Sessions are 30 minutes
Single Session $55
3 Sessions $145
5 Sessions $210
10 Sessions $410
Infrared Sauna
30 Minute Sweat – 1 person $45
1 hour Sweat – 1 person $65
Packages – 30 Minutes
5 Sweat sessions -$25 value $135
10 Sweat sessions -$20 value $210
Paraffin Treatments
Wantagh Office Only
Hands or feet treatment $25
Hands & feet combo $35
Facial treatment $50
With 30-minute massage $105
Back treatment $50
With 30-minute massage $105
Full-body treatment $95
With 30-minute massage $190

Payment Options


Credit cards and Insurance* are not accepted.

*Invoices will be provided for reimbursement submission to your Insurance Carrier

Pay in Advance Using Paypal Checkout

paypal checkout marjorie brook

Giving Back To Those Who Serve!

Marjorie Brook Seminars is proud to show our appreciation to the Men and Women who serve our country. Please accept our sincere gratitude for your dedication, sacrifice, and commitment.

We offer 15% off all Massage/Stretching services and 10% off of any Continuing Education Course for:

  • Active Military Members
  • Military Reserves
  • Veterans
  • Police Officers
  • Fire Fighters

Cancellation Policy

Please read very carefully!


Payment must be provided in full at the time of service and is accepted in the form of cash or check. Gratuities are not expected. If you were pleased with the service, please recommend us to your family and friends.

Checks returned for insufficient funds will be assessed a $20.00 fee for processing.

Payment Options:

  • Cash/Check/Venmo/Paypal
  • Credit cards and Insurance* are not accepted.

*Invoices will be provided for reimbursement submission to your Insurance Carrier


Please call if you know you are running late. If you arrive late for your scheduled appointment, you will receive treatment for the remaining time. If the schedule permits, some accommodation may be possible.


Unexpected things happen, and sometimes it’s impossible to keep an appointment. In the event that you need to cancel your appointment, a 24-hour advance notice is required. If you cancel with less than 24-hour notice or fail to show up for your appointment you will be held responsible for the full fee. The fee must be paid before or at the time of your next scheduled appointment. Remember, your time was reserved especially for you.


Intoxication of any kind is a contraindication to bodywork. Please refrain from drinking alcohol or being under the influence of any substances or the session will be terminated and you will be responsible for the full cost of the session. We reserve the right to refuse service to any person.

*Amid the ongoing uncertainty of COVID-19, I have modified my cancellation policy to offer greater flexibility to all our clients. We hope this will alleviate any stress and hesitation you have about an upcoming appointment. If you need to reschedule for whatever reason, and especially if you are not feeling well, we understand and request for you to please contact us as soon as possible to reschedule. To further support you, there will be no penalties for cancellations.


Do you take insurance?

I do not accept insurance and operate on a fee-for-service basis. However, I will provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement.

As a solo practitioner, my priority is providing quality care to my clients. Unfortunately, navigating the complexities of insurance reimbursement requires significant time and administrative resources, and I do not have a dedicated staff. My focus is on delivering effective therapy during our sessions, and I kindly ask for payment at the time of service. I understand that insurance can be a complicated process, and I encourage you to check with your provider regarding out-of-network benefits.

How many visits do I need?

Every healing journey is unique. Even if two people undergo the same type of surgery—such as a C-section, mastectomy, or knee replacement—their experiences, recovery timelines, and responses to therapy will differ. Healing is influenced by individual metabolism, daily activities, and lifestyle factors, such as returning to work or resuming exercise soon after an injury.

Because of this, I cannot determine how many sessions you will need just from a brief phone conversation without meeting you or assessing your physical condition. Additionally, I do not require clients to prepay for a set number of sessions without guaranteeing results. Instead, I encourage you to schedule a session, see how you feel afterward, and determine if this therapy is the right fit for you. From there, we can collaborate on a personalized approach that best supports your healing process.

I look forward to working with you!

Your rates seem high. I’m not sure I can afford your services.

I understand that cost is an important consideration, and I appreciate your concern. Many of my clients come to me after trying multiple treatments—physical therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture—yet still find themselves in pain, frustrated, or not making progress. They seek my care because they’ve heard about my results and want a different, more effective approach.

The real question is: Are you paying for quantity or quality? Frequent visits to providers that offer generalized treatments might seem more affordable upfront, but if you’re still in pain or dependent on ongoing care, is it truly saving you money? My approach is not about temporary relief or high-volume treatment; it’s about real, lasting improvement.

Rather than paying multiple copays for several visits a week, many clients find that investing in fewer, more targeted sessions with me actually saves them time, money, and frustration in the long run. My goal is to help you heal efficiently so you can regain your quality of life without the need for constant treatment.

Schedule Your Appointment